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Modern white round lamb boucle sherpa vanity stool makeup stool for cozy and elegant home decor
Chic and stylish modern white round lamb boucle sherpa vanity stool makeup stool furniture piece
Luxurious and comfortable modern white round lamb boucle sherpa vanity stool makeup stool
Modern white round lamb boucle sherpa vanity stool makeup stool for bedroom or dressing room
Soft and plush modern white round lamb boucle sherpa vanity stool makeup stool
Modern white round lamb boucle sherpa vanity stool makeup stool for a touch of sophistication

Moderner, runder Schminkhocker aus Lamm-Bouclé-Sherpa in Weiß mit Schminkhocker

Artikelnummer: hmy-36735-48674
CHF 583.00
CHF 819.00
CHF 583.00
- Gesamtabmessungen: 15,7 Zoll Durchmesser x 16,1 Zoll Höhe (400 mm Durchmesser x 410 mm Höhe) - Farbe weiß - Polstermaterialien: Lammwolle - Sitzfüllmaterial:...
Farbe: Weiß
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